Tonight’s episode of Supernatural was “Folsom Prison Blues,” and here at Fandom Rocks we are excited to add a fan-created feature to the site. Podcasts. Every week, we would love to offer a streaming podcast created by the fans. We are calling all podcasters in the Supernatural fandom to speak up and join in. Head over to the forums at Supernatural Underground and let us know what you think a podcast can do for the fandom.

Tonight, Dana braved the podcast world and created a brief, rambling, semi-commentary-esque podcast for “Folsom Prison Blues.” She sincerely apologizes for any mispronunciations, extreme levels of rambling, and random sound occurrences. We hope you still find it enjoyable. Be sure to comment and let us know what you thought.


Links mentioned in the podcast:
Full Episodes at CWTV:
Korben: (“Steady Fools” is featured at the end of the podcast)
Supernatural Underground:

Disclaimer: All audio clips from Supernatural do not belong to us. No infringement intended.

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