It is with great happiness that we can announce Fandom Rocks has met its goal for the first campaign. Tonight, donations have pushed the total to $2000 — and we still have a little over a week to go! Thank you to everyone who has donated, shopped in the store, and helped spread the word. The campaign would not have been a success without the involvement of all the fans and supporters.

Lawrence Community Shelter distributed their press release for the donation ceremony today:

“[Fandom Rocks] will present a donation to the Lawrence Community Shelter on Sunday, September 2nd, 2007, at 12:30 pm on the front porch of the Lawrence Community Shelter, 214 W 10th St, Lawrence, KS. Fandom Rocks has been collecting donations from Supernatural fans from all over the world for two chosen charities, the Lawrence Community Shelter and SOS Children’s Villages. The charity campaign began June 18, 2007 and culminates September 1 with a goal of $2000.”

You can view the full press release here. It is not too late to join Dana in Lawrence, just let us know to look for you!