We can’t believe this month went so quickly. The auction begins tomorrow! Please spread the word among all your friends, family, co-workers, the people next to you in line at the store, or whomever else you can find!

The auction lasts throughout the month of August, during which we will be offering around 70 items, including DVDs, Supernatural magazines, comics, t-shirts, banners, books, lots of awesome items created by Supernatural fans including “Dean” and “Sam” pillows and beautiful jewelry, autographed copies of WriteGirl anthologies, and lots of other goodies. We even have a ton of AUTOGRAPHED items, including CDs, books, photographs, and scripts signed by some very special people who were incredible enough to join Fandom Rocks in our efforts in this campaign.

The auction benefits WriteGirl (as nominated by Sera Gamble, SPN writer/producer, and past mentor for WriteGirl) and Invisible Children (as nominated and voted on by Supernatural fans). Check out their sites for details on these very worthy organizations.

This is an opportunity to not only get yourself some unbelievable, once-in-a-lifetime Supernatural collectibles, but also to help out some very deserving young writers and some children who are in desperate need. “Helping people” is the Supernatural way — this is a great chance to show others what Supernatural fans are made of. Let’s work hard to make this auction a huge success and say “Thank You” to Supernatural in a huge way!

If anyone has questions about the auction, you can always reach us via our web site. Feel free to bookmark our Ebay link (http://myworld.ebay.com/fandomrocks) to keep an eye on all the listings, too.

Countdown to the auction: 1 day!

Here is your fifth and FINAL teaser. There are two images after the jump, and we think you will want to spoil yourself for this one. Tomorrow we will have a general information list of all items we will be auctioning in August to support WriteGirl and Invisible Children, so stay tuned!


Countdown to the auction: 3 days!

Don’t forget – we are counting on our fellow Fandom Rockers to spread the news about the auction. Feel free to grab a graphic and use it at the forum or community you frequent most! if you would like to donate an item to the auction, please let us know. It’s not too late!

Here is your fourth teaser. We are very excited to share this with you as these items came from our charity, WriteGirl.


Countdown to the auction: 5 days!

Don’t forget, if you would like to donate an item to the auction, please let us know. It is not too late!

Your third teaser is after the jump.


Mission Fish logo.

Fandom Rocks is excited to announce our certification with Mission Fish. By certifying our organization, we become one of many non-profits which benefit from the system Ebay Giving Works and Mission Fish have created.

If you sell items on Ebay, you can designate Fandom Rocks as your non-profit of choice to receive a portion of the winning bid. You can also become a direct seller for Fandom Rocks meaning all the proceeds from your sales are donated to Fandom Rocks – Ebay even donates their usual fees!

Visit the Mission Fish and Ebay Giving Works web sites to learn more.

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