Happy Friday everyone! This is a quick note to let you know the third round of auction items end tomorrow – Saturday – so be sure to put in your bid today if you won’t have computer access tomorrow.

We would like to take this time to thank everyone who has participate in the auction so far. All of the item donations and bidding has far exceeded our wildest expectations. The campaign will be a huge success, and that is in no small part due to you out there. Thank you!

Meanwhile, the closed auctions are getting shipped to you. Quite a few are going to international fans. Please let us know when they arrive safely. We worry about those scripts, shirts, and books.

Also, the poll for the next charities is still open. Take a look at the list of organizations. There may be a few new ones. If you don’t see one you want to support, you can always nominate one.

Want to help after the auction ends?

Mission Fish logo.

Did you know you can donate portions of your eBay auctions to Fandom Rocks? When you create a listing, you can search for Fandom Rocks and choose the percentage of your auction you would like to donate. You are considered a Community Seller through Mission Fish, and they take care of the donation for you. It’s an easy way to contribute as a part of something you already do. In fact, we have a Community Seller out there already!

The auction is moving along nicely, and you might want to stop by our listings before tomorrow morning. The second round of items ends tomorrow at 12 PM Central US time. The good news is the third round of items will go live at that time, too. Good luck on all your bidding!

A Poll!

The charities poll for our fourth campaign is now live on the web site. Please vote or nominate your charity of choice. The poll closes on August 31st.

Heads up! The second round of auction items are now live! We have more signed items, books, posters, and fan-made creations.

Be sure to check our listings for all the items from the first round that will end in the next few hours.

It’s a great day for an auction! If you missed the opening bell for this week’s auction items, don’t worry. They are all running for five to seven days. Visit our eBay profile page and click on “View all items…” to see all of the amazing items up for grabs. New items will be added every five days or so through the end of the month.

eBay Profile screencapture.

The officer elections officially closed on August 1st. Congratulations to our Board of Directors and welcome aboard to the new folks. The original Frontliners cannot express how much we appreciate you joining us in this venture. We hope other Fandom Rockers will chime in with a congratulations and welcome, too.

President: Dana
President-Elect: Brande
Treasurer: Dana
Secretary: Sandi
Marketing: Monica
Regional Advisor (CA): Elizabeth
Regional Advisor (TX): Carrie

We will discuss open positions and determining how to fill them or if they are still necessary at an upcoming meeting. If you would like to join our meetings, download and install Skype, and send Dana (roniabirk on Skype) a message.

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