As the auction wraps up, it is time to share our thanks to everyone who has made it a success

  1. To those who donated items – thank you! Our fan created and donated items were the biggest hits this year. Without you, the auction would have been much smaller.
  2. To those who have been bidding – thank you! Without you, the auction would not have thrived like it did.
  3. To those who spread the word – thank you! Without you, far fewer fans would’ve known it existed.

Since July 1, 2009 we have listed 76 items which sold, and we have our final 17 items online now. Not only am I thankful for your participation in the auction, but I am extremely grateful for your patience and understanding when it comes to the management of the auction. With the exception of a handful of items, all of the photos, listings, packing, labeling, shipping, etc. has been done out of a spare room in my house when I am not working full-time and being a mom. There is multi-tasking, and then there is multi-multi-tasking.

In the interest of transparency, when an item’s shipping could not be paid via Paypal**, I have covered shipping costs at the post office personally. Sometimes shipping costs more than eBay estimated*** and sometimes it costs less, but the end result is our charities will receive an awesome donation thanks to all of you. I am even entertaining the hope that we will reach $2500 USD. If the decision is made to extend Campaign Five beyond August 31, 2009, then our fandom has the opportunity to raise that amount even further.

That. Is. Awesome. So, thank you!

Don’t forget, this is the last week. Feel free to spread the word one more time.

**Paypal only allows USPS Express Mail and USPS Priority Mail for international packages and select services for Domestic as well. I would estimate 15-20% of the auction items could not have shipping paid via Paypal so far.

***Note to self: Large Flat Rate box to France? $54, not $25.

If you’ve missed the last few auction rounds, you’ve missed some pretty awesome items. Have no fear! We have two more weeks of items left!

This week’s items started this morning, and we have some Christian Kane autographed t-shirts, an autographed Lucy Lawless as Xena photograph, and (oh yeah) an awesome autographed script book for “A Few Good Men.” Yes, it is signed by both Jensen Ackles and Lou Diamond Phillips, amongst others.

These are just three of the thirteen nifty items helping us raise money for the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention this week.

Won’t you help us reach our goal of $2,000 USD?

Round two is winding down. Only five hours left! Don’t miss out on some unique and cool items.

Want to know what’s coming up in round three? (Links won’t be live for a few more hours. Torture!)

  • Possibly the most unique item in this round. He is from another fandom. Some of you loved him, and some of you hated him, with almost the same intensity on both sides.
  • Possibly the prettiest item in this round. This character in Supernatural also caused some division amongst the fans.
  • A number of fan-made items that cause nightmares for me over which one I would choose!

We have 17 items this round, so that is just a sampling. Don’t forget to share the link to our listings!

Thanks for all of your support and help! Check the donation page for updated totals or to make a donation via Paypal. If you would rather donate via check or money order, please contact us.

Supernatural fans are all over the world. Our auction winners and donors definitely prove that point! But did you know the fan-base is so strong in Argentina that a convention is in the early stages of planning? If you didn’t know before, you do now!

Head over to the “Heaven & Hell” Supernatural Argentina Convention web site for all of the details! You can keep in touch with the convention details via their official blog, Livejournal group, or MySpace page. If you prefer Facebook or Twitter, they are on there, too.

Supernatural Argentina Convention.

Auction Update

Round two of our second auction has begun! Spread the word and take a look at the awesome goodies we have for you. Don’t forget, every bid is a step toward helping the American Cancer Society and the AFSP!

There are only three hours before the start of the second Fandom Rocks auction. Are you ready? A few things to remember:

  • All listings will start on Wednesdays at 12 noon Pacific time and run 7 days.
  • We will have approximately 60 auction listings again this year!
  • We are still taking item donations for the auction. Just drop us a line!
  • The link to watch is!
  • You can also donate via our Donate Page or just check in to see how the campaign is going.
  • Don’t forget, every time you spread the word about the campaign, bid on an item, or donate you are helping our two charities.

Good luck bidding!

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