Fri 20 Jun 2008
Posted by Dana under Org Work
[10] Comments
Thank you to everyone who voted on the by-laws. The poll closed Wednesday with all positive votes. The by-laws will become the guiding documents for Fandom Rocks.
Now, we hope you took a good look at the officer roles available. It is time to nominate. We will gather nominations for until June 29th. If you would like to nominate yourself, please comment to this post with the following information:
- Your name (First Name, Last Initial)
- Position(s) interested in
- Why you are the best fit for the position(s)
If you would like to nominate someone else, please contact them and let them know why you think they would be perfect.
All nominees must comment to this post for review by the larger Fandom Rocks community.
Voting will be posted shortly after the nominations close. Understand we are asking for a commitment to Fandom Rocks for the next year to two years, depending on the position. We hope you will enjoy your role so much that you will stay longer!
If you need a refresher on the officer roles, you can review them in the by-laws on Google Documents.