Did you hear something? It just might’ve been the sound of the Frontline revving their engines for the next campaign! (Sadly, we’re not driving anything as beautiful as the Metallicar. Also? We probably shouldn’t try to be witty.)

Fandom Rocks is proud to announce the charities for the third campaign. Fans voted, and the results are in – your donations will support WriteGirl and Invisible Children.

WriteGirl was nominated by Sera Gamble. Created in 2001, they strive each year to achieve their mission – “within a community of women writers, WriteGirl promotes creativity and self-expression to empower girls.” We have a feeling fans connected with this charity not only based on Sera’s endorsement, but also because of all the female writers in our fandom. You know who you are.

Invisible Children was nominated by the fans. An unanticipated outcome of a filmmaking journey, Invisible Children is a humanitarian effort whose mission is to “use the power of stories to change lives around the world.”

Both charities focus on community – large or small – and dedicate themselves to guiding the community members to their highest potential. Now is our chance to join their efforts, advocate their causes, and support their goals.

The goal of every campaign is to raise funds equal to the previous campaign. Let’s see if we can tip the scale a little further this time.

Fandom Rocks Mention …

Fandom Rocks and fellow Supernatural charity campaign Operation: Winchester received a nice write-up in a recent Blog Critics Magazine article. (You can find the Fandom Rocks mention on page three.) The article follows the adventures of the author as they continue to explore the Supernatural fandom. We are glad to have you in the mix!