The ink has dried on our second campaign. The donations have been delivered to the Lawrence Humane Society and the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. Each charity received $1,175.00 for a Campaign #2 grand total of $2,350.00. We put together a PDF report (Fandom Rocks Report September 2007-February 2008) to document all of the campaign funding sources. If you have any questions or feel the information is incorrect, don’t hesitate to let us know.

IMSFF Certificate

Brande, Rebecca, and Dana are gearing up for the third campaign and beyond. The final tally on our charity poll placed Write Girl and Invisible Children as your top choices. We have contacted them and are hopeful that they will accept our interest and support soon. Here are just some of the things we are working toward over the next few weeks:

  • Incorporating as a non-profit organization – in progress!
  • Hosting promotional tables at conventions: Are you attending and willing to help out? Let us know!
  • Communicating with the Supernatural cast & crew on the campaign progress
  • Creating new contribution methods for fans; including Ebay links, becoming an Escrip group, etc.
  • Working with you, the fans, on creative ideas for fundraising – we need you!

We need you …

Podcasts, conventions, auctions … we need you! We can always use fresh brains on the Frontline. Drop us a line!