Beginning next week, Fandom Rocks Frontline will hold regular meetings on Wednesday evenings at 9:30PM Central US time. The meetings will be every other week unless someone requests a special meeting on the off week.

What will the meetings be about?

  • Not-for-profit status and tasks
  • Campaign status, thank you’s, and ideas
  • What are we not doing that we could be doing?
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Upcoming events
  • Other Fandom Rocks related discussion

We need you to make Fandom Rocks a success! Please consider joining us. To keep costs down for our worldwide fandom, we are holding our meetings with Skype – no phone calls required. Download Skype, make sure you have a microphone (headphones help, too), and send Dana a message on Skype (nickname: roniabirk) so she can add you to her contacts. At 9:30PM Central, Dana will create a conference call with all Fandom Rockers who are online at that time. All you have to do is be there on the other end of the computer.

We realize it is a challenge to find a convenient time for, well, everyone in the world from any time zone, but we hope this works out for some of you. We are open to feedback about the day and time.

You can add the meetings to your Google Calendar and receive reminders by using this link: .

See you next Wednesday!

Skip your morning coffee-stop and donate $5 to Fandom Rocks’ latest campaign. Just $1 feeds an animal at the Lawrence Humane Society for 1 day.

*Loveline is awesome, too. We just couldn’t resist the subject line.