To keep the Donate page easy to read, we are archiving the donation information for Campaign #1 here. You can find the progress meter and list of donors after the jump.

Campaign #1 Progress

Campaign #1 has completed successfully! The final total was $2046.11! (Any donations made after 4PM CST August 31, 2007 will be allocated to the next campaign.) We will post a report documenting the donations, purchases, fees, and boosts shortly. Thank you for making this a success!
[pfmeter id=1]

Campaign #1 Donors

Thank you to the following donors! If you prefer to be listed as “anonymous” or your country is incorrect, please contact us.

Dana S. (US)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Rebecca M. (Canada) Thank you again!
Dan G. (US)
Melanie D. (US) (+$12 boost for donating in the last month)
S. N. (US) (+$1 boost for donating in the last month)
Susan G. (US) (+$5 boost for donating in the last month)
Stacie D. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Kim M. (UK)
Lisa B. (US) Bracelet auction proceeds, thank you! (+$1 boost for donating in the last month)
Rebecca J. (Australia) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Sabrina G. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Melissa S. (US) Thank you again! (+$1 boost for donating in the last month)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Rebecca M. (Canada) Thank you again!
Stephanie P. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Amanda G. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Carolynne P. (Canada) Thank you again! (+$1 boost for donating in the last month)
Elizabeth J. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Marla R. (US) (+$1 boost for donating in the last month)
Janet C. (US) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Maria H. (Germany) (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
Janine L. (UK) Thank you again! (+$2 boost for donating in the last month)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Linda F. (US)
Heather R. (US)
Zsuzsanna V. (Hungary)
Elizabeth J. (US)
Shawna S. (US)
Karlene C. (US)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Lisa S. (US)
Dee R. (UK)
Begona N. (Spain)
Heather V. (US)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Gina R. (US)
Lindsay W. (US)
Claudia E. (Germany)
Melissa S. (US)
Rachel W. (US)
Natalie D. (US)
Stefanie V. (Germany)
Claire A. (US?)
Anne H. (US)
Megan H. (US)
Shannon M. (Canada)
Teresa U. (US)
Rachel O. (US)
Janet R. (US)
Anonymous B. (Canada)
Kathrin W. (Germany)
Sara T. (US)
Shannen B. (US)
Fabienne M. (Germany)
J Charles L. (US)
Valeria S. (Italy)
Marisa A. (US)
Marion S. (Austria)
Stephanie L. (US)
Emma H. (US)
Adam C. (US)
Kara B. (US)
Lisa B. (US) Two bracelet auction proceeds, thank you!
Janine L. (UK) Thank you again!
Melanie J. (US)
B. R. (US) Thank you again!
Carolynne P. (Canada)
Lisa B. (US) Bracelet auction proceeds, thank you!
B. R. (US)
Donna T. (US)
Crystal C. (US)
Janine L. (UK)
Ditte T. (Denmark)
Gabriela G. (US)
Rebecca M. (Canada)
Lisa B. (US)
Krista B. (US)
Linda K. (UK)
Heather F. (US?)
Bernadette G. (Switzerland)
Vanessa H. (Germany)
Stephanie L. (US?)
Anja K. (Germany)