Hear ye, hear ye! We have an announcement to make – the winners of our drawing have been determined!

Check after the jump for your name and email address. If you spot your name, please contact us ASAP from the e-mail address listed with a mailing address, and we will send out your prizes! (We will also send you an email to try to speed up the process of getting your prizes to you.)

CONGRATULATIONS and THANK YOU to everyone who donated! The drawing donations got us a good portion of the way to our goal, but we still have a LONG way to go. We have more plans in the works for the rest of this campaign – stay tuned!

*drum roll*

And the winners are …

First Name and winner of the Supernatural Prize Package: Isabel S. (email begins with “nebulein”)
Second Name and winner of the Kansas Film Commission Package: Jan M. (email begins with “aeriejm”)
Third Name and winner of the Mary Kay Package: Erin P. (email begins with “LadyoftheForest15”)

Don’t forget, each package also includes a copy of WriteGirl’s anthology “Lines of Velocity” signed by a number of their mentors!